Faith, Hope and Love
Tips on becoming an eco church.
1. Are you using low power LED type light bulbs at home or at church?
2. In church are you using proximity light switches that provide lighting only when and where it is needed?
3. Is heating used efficiently using timers and zonal heating?
4. Do you use the Ecosia search engine when searching the web?
5. Do you eat no dairy or meat at least for one day each week?
6. Do you save fuel by sharing transport?
7. Does your church have solar panels?
8. Can you save your water use by rainwater harvesting?
9. Have you thought about heat pumps to replace gas appliances?
10. Your church can receive an ECO award if you can answer yes to any of the above.
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Take action: become an Eco Church (
Rocha information for ECO Churches
Sign up for the Newsletter from Rocha
If anyone at any of our churches would like to know more, please contact me at:
I realise that it is not easy to apply all of the above points but making a start with our eco journey means that we are on the way.